Of The Moon- A Journey to self

Crystal Khushwaha, a poet, a fighter, a mother, a soul prefers to stay anonymous, so she uses her pen name Azri, after her verses. We will do the same to respect the spirit of such a wonderful person.

But I want the world to know every person with a distinguished gesture towards life and this lady is no exception, so here’s a picture of her I could somehow gather.

In the word of Azri “I would rather want my poetry to reach people before my image or personal life does.” Her gesture is more of an inspiration to the writers rather scribblers around.

In her poetry , Azri talks about depression, pain, silence, perseverance and the struggle to break through the same.

She speaks about a soul’s longing to heal.

You need to be an ardent poetry person to grasp the thoughts, Arzi wants to deliver. Of The Moon chronicles is a beautiful depiction of how a human soul fights the struggles and anxiety life has, to offer.

Our poet quotes:

We aren’t meant to suffer – our suffering is strongly human constructed.

And that’s what her poetry says. It shows us a fine picture of how one has to face the dark phases of life without shame or fear to break through the confinement of depression.

Avoiding or pretending not to struggle the mental boundaries can never be an option if you honestly want to overcome the dark times.

Each verse of this beautiful collection Of The Moon will need your darn attention to pierce through the lines and create your own version of understanding, which will take you to your universe serene though harsh.

Azri writes in blank verse in a language arduous to understand if you are just a book lover and not a book reader. The words seek your attention as nectar does to honey bees.

The paperback I received, has an abstract image of the moon with the title on top and the creator’s name at the bottom. At the back, is a small description of the content and the instagram handles of the creators.

As you can see, Crystal Khushwaha has not mentioned her real name even on her own creation.

My only disappointment with the book is its formatting style, it could have been better for the convenience of readers but as a poetry lover I know, when it comes to poems, words and their essence is all you see.

I recommend every poetry person to get this beauty in their collection.



GET IN TOUCH WITH THE POET : https://instagram.com/azripoetry?igshid=60uictvbykxw

GET THIS BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION HERE https://www.amazon.in/dp/B081QN55TR/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_i_gNQIEb5CJJ8CT

PUBLISHERS: Xpress Publishing


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.



yesterday i was the moon : BEST FROM MY SHELF

Noor Unnahar, a young voice whose verses and art will touch your heart with it’s simplicity and aesthetic norms.

She’s a writer, blogger, you tuber, illustrator, flower photographer and her verses says, she’s “ART”.

yesterday i was the moon, is a collection of verses where I, personally seek a universe. One would not easily keep the book back in shelf , before perceiving the portrait behind it’s words.

The poet’s work brings out the phase of collapsing and rebuilding one’s self on the treacherous modern path from teenager to adult.

The words blend with illustrations say much more than mere words. They will manifest you an universe of fall, self-discovery, love, rise, divinity and life. Read one poem at once, and you will know the words speaking to your soul.

The verse would relate to every life.
Noor’s poetry, as her name suggests brings light to the path for physical and emotional home, the intimate painful dance of self-discovery, anger, passion and love.

The words seem to make separations easy and pain beautiful.

Also the illustrations, narrate a story, just like a child’s mind is portrayed in his scribbles, you will uncover your soul deep after grasping the verses.

The comprehensive expression exercised in the form will leave you spellbound.

The paperback, I received is green in color, with a circle illustrated on top depicting the moon [as the name suggests] and below is the name of the poet, rather the “ART” herself.

noor unnahar”

On the back, are the words of Noor’s twin Areeba Siddique, Raisa Andriana and Kaveh Akbar, who appreciated this piece of art like every other reader

“You’ll  find a new friend in yesterday i was the moon,
One poem at a time.”

{Areeba Siddique}

“Reading Noor’s words, I can see their color and smell the scents of love, passion, anger and truth on every page. Her poems will speak to your soul like they were written for you.”

{Raisa Andriana}

“Early in yesterday i was the moon, Noor Unnahar tells us her name means ‘light of the day’. This seems exactly perfect for a poet who has crafted a book so supremely luminous, so incandescent. Here is a brightness by which we might work, by which we might live and love and survive. When Unnahar says, ‘i am the light i should be looking for ‘, her discovery illuminates us too.”

{Kaveh Akbar}

I have had an overwhelming bliss after going through this piece of beauty.

This is something, I couldn’t get over.

I do thank my friend Sayan Chattopadhyay for suggesting me this beautiful piece of art. Also I strongly recommend this book not only for them who enjoy poetry, but also who are interested in walking a mile in another person’s shoes, albeit in the form of poetry.



PICTURE COURTESY : https://instagram.com/noor_unnahar?igshid=11p9jakhxtum1



Rating: 5 out of 5.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

GET THIS BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION HERE : <a href="http://<iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ss&ref=as_ss_li_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=&language=en_US&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=0525576010&asins=0525576010&linkId=400207c8f456324abb1b271ee45f40ef&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true">http://<iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ss&ref=as_ss_li_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=&language=en_US&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=0525576010&asins=0525576010&linkId=400207c8f456324abb1b271ee45f40ef&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true”></iframe>